4 Tips On How To Get Spotify Monthly Listeners


We all know by now that Spotify is the streaming platform when it comes to musicians of all kinds. With over 158 million paid subscribers in 2021 so far, they have the ability to reach worldwide audiences better than anyone else. As a reference point, that’s a 28 million increase from 2020. So, knowing how to get Spotify monthly listeners is insanely important for your success on the platform. 

If you’re overwhelmed about where to start, however, this article might come in handy. We’ll talk about what monthly listeners are in the first place, why they matter, and real ways to can get that number up.

What are Spotify monthly listeners?

Let’s start from the top. Among the several analytics that Spotify offers those who have business accounts, there’s one with high value that’s important to keep an eye on. This is the number of monthly listeners. These unique listeners are people who play your music during a month (which in Spotify time is a 28-day period).

Keep in mind that no matter how many times a listener streams one of your songs, however, it will only count as one individual listener during the month. This stat is important because it tells Spotify how many new people discovered your music and are liking it. It also shows them how many long-term fans you’re bringing in. This in turn can bring other benefits on the platform, like Spotify positioning you in a more visible spot for new people to find you.

4 proven tips on how to get Spotify monthly listeners

So, we know what monthly listeners are and why they matter. The issue now is learning how to get Spotify monthly listeners stats to increase.

Here are some ideas:

  • Support other artists. Sharing is caring! While it might sound counterproductive to help other people get ahead in their own process, what goes around comes around. The key here is actually letting them know you’re helping them so they’re more inclined to help you back. How? Curate your own Spotify playlist and add up-and-coming musicians from your genre to it. Then you can message them letting them know and see if they’re willing to do the same.
  • Run some ads. Your ideal listener might not know that they’re missing out on some great tunes. So, the best way to find them is to target where they hang out. Are they on Facebook or Instagram? How about running some low-cost ads to introduce yourself to them. Use video ads to showcase your music but also who you are as an artist. Then, target fans from other artists with similar sounds as you. If they like Coldplay, and that’s your vibe, then you should be slinking into the Coldplay fanbase that already exists.
  • Get reviewed by the right critics. Nowadays listers are more likely to trust the opinion of those that share their life experiences and tastes. Gone are the days of people wanting to be sold to by marketing tactics. Finding the right music blogs that your target audience reads, and asking them to review your music, is a great way to get yourself seen. From there it’s a short jump into getting more Spotify monthly listeners.
  • Get your music professionally promoted. While there’s a ton of things you can do on your own when it comes to knowing how to get Spotify monthly listeners, sometimes you just don’t have the time. The good news is that there are companies out there that will do all the work for you. Here at Orion Promotion, for example, we can connect you with over 100,000 listeners all over the world, and set you up with high converting playlist curators. Want to learn more? Check out the details here.

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