How Many Playlists Can You Have on Spotify?


Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming platforms in the world, allowing users to create and curate playlists to suit every mood, occasion, and genre preference. But if you’re an avid Spotify user, you might wonder: How many playlists can you have on Spotify? Whether you’re organizing your favorite tracks, exploring new genres, or just compiling your next workout mix, understanding the limits of playlist creation on Spotify is essential.

Understanding Spotify’s Playlist Limits

Spotify doesn’t explicitly limit the number of playlists you can create, but there are a few factors to consider. First, while you can create a vast number of playlists, the total number of songs you can save across all your playlists is capped at 10,000 tracks. This means that if you’re the type who likes to create long playlists or compile extensive collections, you’ll need to be mindful of this limit. So, while there isn’t a strict cap on the number of playlists, the number of songs you can save on Spotify is something to keep in mind.

Moreover, if you’re wondering, how many playlists can you have on Spotify without any issues, the good news is that users have reported creating thousands of playlists without any problems. This flexibility allows you to categorize your music collection in a way that suits you best, whether you’re sorting by genre, mood, or even specific activities like studying or running.

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Practical Tips for Managing Your Spotify Playlists

If you’re approaching the 10,000 song limit or simply have a lot of playlists, here are some tips to manage your collections efficiently:

  1. Organize by Folders: Spotify allows you to create folders for your playlists. This can be a great way to keep everything tidy, especially if you have a large number of playlists.
  2. Archive Old Playlists: If you’re not ready to delete a playlist but don’t use it regularly, consider archiving it. You can move it to a folder or push it to the bottom of your playlist list.
  3. Use Collaborative Playlists: If you enjoy sharing music with friends, collaborative playlists can help keep things fresh without needing to create entirely new playlists constantly.
  4. Regularly Update Playlists: Instead of creating a new playlist every time you want to update your music, consider updating existing playlists with fresh tracks. This can help you stay within the song limit while keeping your playlists relevant.


So, how many playlists can you have on Spotify? While there is no official limit on the number of playlists, your total number of songs is capped at 10,000 across all playlists and your library. This setup provides plenty of room for music lovers to explore and enjoy their favorite tracks without feeling constrained. By staying organized and mindful of these limits, you can make the most out of your Spotify experience.

Happy playlisting!

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